Blasting and Coating

Superior Finish and Protection

At Kings Engineering, we're committed to delivering superior finishing services, ensuring that our steel products not only perform exceptionally but also stand the test of time. Our in-house blasting and coating capabilities are first-class, equipped with modern technology and processes that guarantee the highest quality of finish.


Advanced Coating Services

Our on-site facilities feature the latest advancements in blasting and painting, providing your steel products with the ultimate protective finish. By utilising our advanced direct-to-metal PU (Polyurethane) coating system, which employs top-tier protective products, we ensure that your projects benefit from exceptional durability and longevity.


Meeting Standards

Quality and compliance are paramount at Kings Engineering. We strictly adhere to the AS/NZS 4680:2006 quality standard for hot dip galvanizing. This not only provides an additional layer of defence against corrosion but also aligns with our commitment to upholding industry benchmarks.


Comprehensive Coating Solutions

By opting for Kings Engineering’s comprehensive coating services, you’re choosing to enhance the quality and extend the lifespan of your products. We bring together our in-house expertise and the latest in technology to deliver durable and long-lasting results, offering you a complete solution that ensures peace of mind.

Why Opt for Kings Engineering
Blasting and Coating Services?

  • Latest Technology

    Our on-site facilities are equipped with the most advanced technology for superior finishes.

  • Specialised Coatings

    Utilising a direct-to-metal PU coating system for enhanced durability and product longevity.

  • Quality Standards Compliance

    Rigorous adherence to AS/NZS 4680:2006 for hot dip galvanizing, ensuring an additional protection against corrosion.

  • Long-Lasting Durability

    We not only protect your products from the elements but also contribute to their extended lifespan and performance.